The Four Gunas

A Guna is a personal perspective of how life is perceived to be, relative to an Individual’s belief system. Beliefs determine perspective and how we individually and collectively perceive and experience reality.

There are four different gunas, perspectives, experiences or beliefs as to how life happens. My real life experience happens in alignment with how I believe it occurs, relative to my personal experience.

We each have an individual perspective of life and a belief about how our experiences in life are happening. This is what makes us individually unique, with our own exclusive perception or choice of what is currently occurring.

There are four ways, called gunas, as to how I see life happening from my own experience. Everything in life either happens to me, by me, through me or as me. My perspective of life allows any one of these four choices to apply for everything that occurs in my life.

However I believe life to happen, is my experience of reality; so how I personally believe life to be occurring, is a real experience for me. Our character is driven by our beliefs and we tend to adopt the character of the role that we believe that we are playing in life:

  • When I play the role of a victim or a follower, life is happening to me in ways that are out of my control.
  • When I play the role of manager or leader, I believe that the best way for me is to make life happen by me. When I take control of managing my own life, and often other people’s as well, life happens by me. When my perspective is that life happens by me, not everything always goes to plan. Both good and bad things appear to happen to me, even though I believe that I only do good things by me.

When life happens to me, it is often a problem and when life happens by me, it is often a challenge. I am limited by the absence of my own emotional power and I am limited by my mental beliefs or convictions about how creative I am or not.

  • When I allow life to effortlessly flow through me, it is certainly powerfully creative and very opportunistic. It is only my belief in how life happens to me or by me that limits my flow of divinely creative emotional power and the flow of beneficial opportunities in life, which naturally flow through me.

In Hindu Philosophy there are three gunas that are described as tendencies of our character.

  • When life happens to me, I am expressing the guna of Tamas and life appears to be dark, destructive & chaotic
  • When life happens by me, I am expressing the guna of Rajas and I am motivated with passion & desire to actively pursue what I want or need, but I am often confused as to the outcome of my actions.
  • When life happens through me, I am expressing the guna of Sattva with balance, harmony & goodness.

When I create my own reality with conscious-awareness, I am the Creator of my ideal life, which is happening as me.

  • When life happens as me, I create a fourth guna and I am being the source of divinely powerful, creative energy called Shakti. I am creating the opportunity for my own personal ideal reality with the conscious-awareness of being the Creator.

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