The Four Elements of Healing

The Four Elements of Healing are symbolised by Fire, Water, Earth & Air.

These four elements of healing represent or symbolise four levels of healing.

Four levels of healing bring balance to the four aspects of my entity.

I exist in four levels of Beingness:

  • An Energetic Level
  • An Atomic Level
  • A Cellular Level
  • An Organic Level
At an energetic level, I require Breath to connect & balance my emotional power with my mental authorIty.
At an atomic level, I require Grounding to balance the polarity of my positive & negative electrons.
At a cellular level, I require Hydration to balance the chemical activity of each cell.
At an organic level, I require Inflammation to repair the wear & tear of tissues.
  • Enegetic Breath is symbolised by Air
  • Atomic Grounding is symbolised by Earth
  • Cellular Hydration is symbolised by Water
  • Organic Inflammation is symbolised by Fire

These are my Four Elements of Healing that I require to maintain in balance to be Healthy.

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