The Four Elements of Energy

Greek Philosophy named the matter of our four spiritual elements as:

Earth, Water, Air & Fire

They represent the energy of:

Physicality, Mentality, Emotionality & Spirituality

All energy has a motion, which has:

Flux, Fluidity, Flow or Flair

  • With flux, I am physically enabled to overcome resistance
  • With fluid thought, I am mentally authorised to overcome inertia
  • With emotional flow, I am empowered to overcome entropy
  • With spiritual flair (flare, fire), I connect with the wonder of my inspired imagination

My imaginative flair allows the emotional flow of fluid thought to be the flux of my ideal physical experience.

  • When my physical experience is without flux, I am frustrated
  • When my emotional feeling is without flow, I am confused
  • When my mental thought is not fluid, I am lost
  • When my spiritual flare is without flair, I am stuck


  • My body is earthed and presently in flux
  • My mind is watery and fluid
  • My emotion is a clear flow of fresh air
  • My spirit is on fire with flair

Then: My chosen path through life is direct and clearly present.

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