The Four Divisions Of Nature

The Four Divisions of Nature are the subject of the Periphyseon; the work of a philosopher, theologian & poet of the Early Middle Ages called John the Gaelic Scot from Ireland (c.800 – c.877).

The 4 Divisions of Nature are:

  • Naturally creating yet not created. That which creates and is not created is the source of the power for the creation of all things. This is emotional feeling.
  • Naturally creating and naturally created. That which is creating and created is the creative force of all things. This is mental thought.
  • Naturally created yet not naturally creating. That which is created but does not create is the matter of material creation. This is physical experience.
  • Neither naturally creating nor naturally created. This is the spiritual aether.

Emotional feeling, mental thought, physical experience and spiritual aether are the four natural divisions of the created, creative, creativity of the Creator.

  • Emotional Feeling is the power of creativity
  • Mental Thought is the authority of the creator
  • Physical experience is the ability of the created creation
  • Spiritual aether is the creative creator’s potential

The Ancient Philosophers intuitively knew these to be the four elements of a creative nature:

  • The emotional flow of Pneuma – Air
  • The mental fluidity of Nous – Water
  • The physical flux of Soma – Earth
  • The spiritual flair (flare) of Psyche – Fire

It is the nature of the Universe to be creative. The nature of creativity is to create or not create, be created or not be created; or a mixture of both. This is the duality of the Creator & the Creation; the creative creator and the created creation.

When God is defined as the Universal Creator, then this is the Nature of God.

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