The Formula for an Effortless Life

A chaotic life has too many problems.

When in chaos too long, a disaster is imminent.

Problems are the effect of a cause that has no solution.

Solutions solve problems but they do not make them go away.

Learning to flow effortlessly requires learning to become problem-free.

My lesson is to not have problems.

I am problem-free once I have learned my lesson.

I get a lesson when I don’t hear my messages.

When I hear my messages, I see an opportunity and I flow with life effortlessly.

I don’t have to work hard for an opportunity as they always arrive effortlessly.

When I miss my messages, I miss an opportunity and I am challenged by a lesson.

When I meet the challenge, I learn the lesson and I see the opportunity that is being presented.

When I fail the challenge, I fail to learn the lesson and it will be represented again at a later time.

When I fail to learn my lesson, I see a problem in my life.

With too many problems, my life becomes chaotic and I become lost, confused and very frustrated.

With too much chaos & confusion, I am heading for a disaster.

The worst disaster results in my death.

The greatest opportunity is to live an effortless life.

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