The Focus of my Attention

When I focus on my action, I am unaware of the emotion that I am experiencing.

When I focus on my feelings, I am unaware of my actions.

When I focus on my intention, I am focused on the future and not present in the now.

The focus of my attention is important.

When the attention of my focus is on my action or my intended action, my intention, I am seeing life through the eyes of my ego self.

When the attention of my focus is attentive and on my attention, I am observing life through the eyes of my Soul.

My Soul is the attention of my focus.

When I make the focus of my attention my Soul, I am in alignment with my Soul and my Soul has my attention.

When the attention of my focus is on my action, I am being subjective.

When the attention of my focus is on my intention, I am being objective.

When the attention of my focus is on my attention, I am being adjective. I am being my Soul.

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