The First Commandment

The First Commandment of Jesus is:

“Love the Lord thy God with all thy Heart, all thy Soul, all thy Mind, & all thy Strength”.

The Lord my God is my Inner Coach that is my Higher Self.

I connect to my inner guidance when I bring all aspects of my Self into alignment.

This alignment accesses my Divine Power & Authority.

My Divine Authority allows my Divine Power to flow.

My Divine Power flows through a conscious heart that aligns with a sub-conscious mind.

When my conscious ego aligns with my sub-conscious id, there is no battle between my heart & my mind.

When my sub-conscious mind aligns with my super-conscious soul, my id & my entity express my true identity that allows my true authority.

My true identity is the alignment of a conscious heart, a sub-conscious mind & a super-conscious soul.

When my True Identity is expressed, my Life flows with supra-conscious strength.

My supra-conscious conscious, sub-conscious & super-conscious mind is the One Consciousness of me, myself & I.

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