The Expansive Growth Of Spirituality

Spiritual Growth is expansive, expansive growth is spiritual and expansive spirituality is growing. For spiritual growth to be expansive, it requires the triune aspects of Enlightenment, Empowerment & Development.

  • Physical Development requires empowered enlightenment
  • Emotional Empowerment requires enlightened development
  • Mental Enlightenment requires developed empowerment

Expansive Spiritual Growth requires empowered emotion, mental enlightenment & physical development. I can only develop, empower & enlighten my spirituality in physical reality.

Personal development in the physical realm allows expansive growth in the spiritual realm.

  • Physically enabled development requires the rational intelligence quotient of IQ
  • Emotionally empowered growth requires the emotional intelligence quotient of EQ
  • Mentally enlightened expansion requires the spiritual intelligence of Wisdom

When I get that expansive spiritual growth through enlightened empowered development is intuitive, I am inspired by it. I get that:

  • My IQ is developed with intuitive knowing
  • My EQ grows with intuitive feeling
  • My Wisdom expands with intuitive seeing

When I am inspired & empowered by my enlightened development, I develop inspiration with my enlightened empowerment and I empower the development of my inspired enlightenment.

My expansive spiritual growth is inspired when my enlightenment and my empowerment are inspirationally developed.

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