The Expanding Universe

The nature of the Physical Universe is Expansive.

The Universe in continually expanding and growing.

I experience the expansion of the physical universe as matter in motion.

The nature of my Spiritual Universe is Expansive. I experience this as emotion or energy in motion.

My Spirit, my Soul, seeks continual, expansive growth and development through the experience of who I am Being. My Emotional State of Being.

At the centre of each galaxy is a Black Hole that is the gravitational source of attraction that holds the galaxy together in this expanding universe.

It is the force of gravity that allows the matter of stars to be created and materialise.

Without a Black Hole at the centre of the galaxy, there would be no galaxy. Stars would not be attracted to each other and would not collect at particular points in space. They would just be part of the ‘Energy’ that is our expanding Universe.

It is this same Attractive Force that holds Souls together in their separation.

Without Attraction the expanding universe would make the separation of Souls a permanent reality.

The paradox is that the more expansive my Soul becomes the more attractive my Soul becomes and the less separation it experiences from All that Is.

It is only within an Expanding Universe that my Soul has the ability through my Self to become expansive and realise its Omnipresent Potential.

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