The Essence Of Beingness

Humans are essentially Unique, Individual & Exclusive Beings. Being unique, individual & exclusive is essential to human beings.

The paradox of being human is that we are all the same and we are all different. We are all the same exclusively unique individuals and being unique, individual & exclusive is what makes each of us different. Being the same & being different are essential to expressing the essence of our Beingness.

  • Being Unique is being exclusively individual
  • Being Individual is being exclusively unique
  • Being Exclusive allows me to be a unique individual

Being unique, individual & exclusive is the essence of Beingness. I do the same as other people, to have the same as other people, when I think I am the same as other people, because I think the same as other people. This is not the essence of either being human or of a Human Being. Being the same as everyone else is not the essence of my life. It is not essential to a life of Human Beingness. Being an exclusive, unique & individual person is an essential aspect of my life.

  • Being emotionally exclusive, I feel essential
  • Being mentally unique, I know I am essential
  • Being physically individual, I see my essential nature

Essential to my being alive is my unique vision, my exclusive purpose and my individual mission. This is my defining, meaning, reason & purpose for me essentially being alive. It is by being apart from my Soul whilst an essential part of my Soul that I can discover, explore & experience the Essence of my Beingness.

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