The Error Of My Ways

My ways are my ego’s choices.

I choose the way I live and my way of life.

I have a choice of this way or that way.

I do it my way according to my beliefs & my programmes.

My ways follow my standards, my morals, my ethics, my principles & my rules.

But my morals, ethics & principles as a rule are not my standards but the boundaries given to me by my society, religion, family or government that I have adopted as my ways.

Doing it someone else’s way is not my way.

Following someone else’s path is not my way.

Playing by someone else’s rules is not my way.

Not doing it my way is an error of judgment.

My judgment of my ways is an error.

Accepting my path just as it is overcomes any error of judgment.

When I see the error of my ways, I allow the Way of my destiny.

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