The Epitome Of Perfection

The Epitome of Perfection is an Optimum, an Ideal & a Model.

  • My Ideal is an Optimal Model
  • My Optimum is a Model Ideal
  • My Model is an Ideal Optimum

When I am Optimal, Model and Ideal, I am the epitome of perfection.

  • A model experience is the ideal feeling of an optimal thought
  • An ideal feeling is the optimal thought of a model experience
  • An optimal thought is the model experience of an ideal feeling

A model is imperfect when it is less than ideal and sub-optimal:

  • Without an ideal feeling, an optimal thought is not a model experience
  • Without a model experience, an optimal thought has no ideal feeling
  • Without an optimal thought, an ideal feeling is not a model experience
  • Without an ideal, optimal model, I experience the epitome of imperfection

Optima is the plural of optimum, which means most favourable, or most preferable because it is most perfect. I favour and prefer that which is most perfect.

Optimal describes a perfect something. When everything is the epitome of perfection, I savour the perfection of everything. I have learned the meaning of optimal as my perfect thoughts operate in time and are frequently in frequency.

Ideal is the perfection of an idea. An idea is perfect when it feels good, which is ideal. Ideal is the emotional feeling that accompanies an optimal thought or idea.

Model is the perfect way. A mode is a way. Modest is the best way and model is the perfect way. The way of a perfect model is the optimum and the ideal.

  • A perfect mental thought is the optimum
  • A perfect emotional feeling is ideal
  • A perfect physical experience is a model

Perfection is the epitome of my physical, mental & emotional, spirituality.

  • An optimal model is a model of optimism
  • A modest ideal is an ideal model
  • An ideal optimum is an optimistic idea

A perfect idea is the Way of Truth. The epitome of truth is that it is the perfect way. The perfect way for my Self is to model my optimum ideals.

When I optimise every ideal, I am the epitome of a perfect model. I am the model experience of my Soul’s optimum authority and ideal power. Physically modelling my optimum mental capacity, allows my ideal emotional competence to perfectly flow.

My Ideal Life is an expression of the emotional feelings of my optimum thoughts as a model experience of the Epitome of my Perfect Reality.

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