The Energy of Spirit

Spirit is Energy. Spiritual means ‘of energy’.

Spirit is a triality of:

  • Physical Energy
  • Mental Energy
  • Emotional Energy

Mental Energy is called ‘Light’ and I know Light with my spiritual sense of Knowing.

Mental Energy creates Time, which is the frequency of my thoughts.

Emotional Energy is called ‘Love’ and I feel Love with my spiritual sense of Feeling.

Emotional Energy creates Space, which is the wavelength of my thought energy in motion.

Physical Energy is called ‘Life’ and I see Life with my 5 physical senses and my spiritual sense of Seeing.

Physical Energy creates Reality, which is the vibration of my thought energy that has materialised.

To be a Spiritual Entity experiencing a physical reality called Life requires me to know the revelations of my Light as thought, and requires me to feel the realisation of my Love as emotion.

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