The Energetic Colours Of Life

White is the colour of pure, positive, divine Light.

Black is the colour of impure, negative, evil darkness; or the absence of Light.

Black & white denote polarity or direction. I either have direction or I am in the dark.

When I get lost, confused or frustrated, it is a black mark against me.

A white feather is a positive sign of being on track.

Yellow is the colour of rational, reasonable, intellectual, left brain activity; which has a male gender.

Green is the colour of intuitive, imaginative, emotionally creative, right brain activity; which has a female gender.

Red is the colour of hot, fast, strong intensity.

Blue is the colour of cold, slow, weak intensity.

Red & Blue is the duality of high & low intensity.

Yellow & Green is the duality of male & female gender.

Black & White is the duality of positive & negative polarity.

When I try to balance my black & white polarity, many grey areas appear in my life.

When I balance my red intensity with my white potential, I am in the pink.

When I mix negative black with intensely red, I get browned off.

Intense red & negative black are the colours of the devil.

I will get black & blue when I am fighting the flow.

When I balance my red & blue intensity, I hit a purple patch.

Connecting red & blue allows my current potential to flow.

When green & yellow are balanced, my energy is earthed & grounded.

When I mix positive white with rational yellow, the cream rises to the top.

Life is the experience of mixing shades & hues of colour, so that colour adds a whole range of experiences to an otherwise black or white life.

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