The Empath & The Sensitive

The Empath is one who hears their own messages of guidance and feels their own supported path.

The Empath sees their Soul Path with their intuitive knowing, their intuitive feeling, or both.

The Empath is being empathic when in alignment with their electro-magnetic vibration, their e-m path. Their electric force of character is aligned with their magnetic magnitude of personality, which allows the unity of the Id-Entity to potentially manifest as a true expression of their integrity and authenticity.

The Sensitive is one who is aware of the emotional energy of other people. Emotional energy is the wavelength of the vibration on which one’s demeanour is being expressed.

The Sensitive has overcome the dual choice of polarity, of being either insensitive or too sensitive. A personal attachment to another’s emotional energy causes an intensity of experience, which disconnects in an insensitive way due to a sense of overwhelm.

The Sensitive Detachment of the Sensitive allows them to resonate with compassion for another without the over-sensitive sympathy of attachment or the apathy of insensitive disconnection.

With the empathy of my personal exclusive connection to Source and the sensitive detachment of my relationship to others, I become sensitively empathic in my detachment from other people’s distorted dramas.

My detachment from other people’s dramas and my sensitivity to their exclusive path, allows me to walk my own path with empathy and share my unique path with compassion.

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