The Day Of Reckoning

The Day of Reckoning is the day I reckon that judgement no longer serves me.

That is the day that I overcome judgement.

Judgement is whatever I reckon is right or wrong for me.

On the day of reckoning, I let go of everything that I believe to be wrong in my life.

Reckoning is weighing up the balance between good & bad, positive & negative or right & wrong.

It is balancing out what I have received against what I have given.

It is reckoning up what I believe I am owed and the debts that I have incurred.

On the Day of Reckoning I realise that I am owed nothing and I have no debt to pay.

It is the day that I realise that Life is just Good.

It is the day that I approve of who I am and I allow my life to effortlessly flow.

And the day that I accept whatever turns up as a wonderful opportunity.

The Day I Reckon that Life Just Is.

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