The Dawning Of Awareness

December 2012 heralded the Dawning of the Age of Awareness.

In astrological terms, the Light of Aquarius dawns as the Age of Pisces moves into the darkness of the past 2000 years. The further we move into awareness, the darker becomes the Piscean Age of comfort & security. It is dawning on our perspective that after two millennia of learning to live in comfort & security, there is still an abundance of discomfort, dis-ease & insecurity amongst the majority of people on this planet.

In the ignorance of the darkness of the unaware, there is a belief that we are moving back into the preceding Arian Age of Survival. To the spiritually awakened, there is an intuitive knowing that our destiny is to embrace a new age, in which we are gradually becoming aware.

In the previous Age of Scientific Endeavour, consciousness remained the Hard Problem of Physical Sciences. Without Awareness and a distinction between consciousness & awareness, Consciousness remains a barrier to a new perspective of Awareness and a new awareness of Perspective.

The paradox of Awareness is that I need awareness to become aware of my awareness. Without awareness, I have no definite awareness of what awareness is.

It is intellectually obvious that awareness is intuitive. Without intuition, I am conscious when I am aware, yet unconscious to my awareness. My rationally intellectual mind alone, is unaware of intuition being subjectively emotive. Without an intuitive mind, with subjective thought, there is no awareness of consciousness because awareness remains unconscious. With an intuitive mind that is thinking objectively, there is still no awareness of what consciousness is.

It is my level of Consciousness that either allows or disallows my awareness of levels of consciousness. It is only with my intuitive awareness that I am able to see a definite meaning, reason & purpose for being both conscious & unconscious. Without awareness, there is no perception of different levels of consciousness. I am either conscious or unconscious. I have no distinction between my sub-conscious instinct and my super-conscious intuition. There remains only a distant inkling of a supra-conscious creative entity, which is mis-defined as ‘Consciousness’ by an agnostic spiritual realism that has renounced all other versions of a religious belief in ‘God’.

In the absence of awareness, a new age of spirituality is moving into the non-dual ideology of a singular consciousness called Oneness. It is renouncing the spiritual entity of a divine sense of Self for a perspective of a non-ego of non-reality, with no specific identity, called non-duality.

With the presence of intuitive Awareness, I am moving into a new age of perceiving a potential destiny, in which all possibilities & opportunities exist as a beneficial, divine & ideal experience of life.

The Age of Aquarius will dawn on each of us individually with the awakening of an intuitive perception that Awareness is actually a distinct & essential level of Consciousness.

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