The Dark Night of the Soul

My Soul never has a Dark Night.

My Soul lives in the Light and knows no duality of light and dark.

My dark night of the soul is a dark night for my ego self.

When my ego self experiences a dark night, it is synonymous with being awake in the darkness instead of being Awakened to the Light.

It is “Always Darkest before the Dawn” because I am required to experience the extremes of light & darkness before being awakened to my True Light and who I really am is allowed to ‘dawn’ on my Self.

The Dark Night of my Self is an opportunity to awaken to the True Light of my Soul.

It is often the desperation of being at the bottom of my darkest pit that persuades me that my life needs to change and I allow that change to occur by making a new choice.

A ‘Dark Night’ is often necessary for a disconnected Self to declare that: “There must be more to life than this” and then to allow it to manifest.

Desperation is often the catalyst for change and new choices.

The Dark Night of the Soul is when the Self fails to awaken to its True Nature and its True Path.

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