The Creative Ability Of Power & Authority

Power & Authority are opposing genders of the same energy vibration. Male authority & female power are a relative duality of physical experience. The dual realities of the same energy vibration are relative to individual experience in this physical world.

Male authority is a mental attribute of the Mind.

Female power is an emotional attribute of every sentient Being.

The relative duality of power & authority allows power to be experienced without apparent authority and it allows apparent authority to be experienced without any power.

Power without authority is called negative emotion. Negative emotion is allowed but it has no approval.

Authority without power is called fear because it is caused by a default negative limiting belief.

When I am not inspired to do something, my authority is disempowered. Authority that is not empowered requires the motivation of will power.

Will power is the authority of the will of the ego Self.

True power is the Love that the Soul has for its Self.

In a soulless world without love, we are all disconnected from the power of our true authority. Our True Authority is our Soul.

Power without authority is in opposition to love. Negative attributes that oppose love are called hate, lust or fear. They are allowed but not empowered.

Power is relative to the emotional state of being that is being expressed. Positive emotions are empowering, whereas negative emotions disconnect us from the purity of our power Source.

Authority is relative to our alignment of choice. My alignment of choice determines its polarity. Positive polarity alignment is empowering, whereas negative polarity alignment disconnects & disempowers the Self.

We are authorised to experience all perceptions of male & female gender from all perspectives of positive or negative polarity. This is because we always have unconditional choice. The only conditions on my choice are put their by myself. Freedom of choice is a given. All choices are forgiven. Freedom of choice is the source of our authority.

When I deny myself the freedom of choice, I disallow my own authority and I default to another’s authority. When I allow other’s to make choices for me, I am under their authority, not my own.

Authority is given to everyone through their own freedom of choice. The belief that I am not empowered to make a choice secures my disconnection from source. The feeling of connection to my inspired choice is all empowering and dispels any belief to the contrary.

The authority of a mental belief is relative to the authority of the person who is sponsoring that belief.

The power of an emotional attribute is relative to the quality or purity of the attribute that is being expressed.

When emotional attributes are divided by gender, they are called sins & virtues and their power has become divided. Neither male sins nor female virtues are a pure vibration of powerful energy.

When I divide an emotional attribute by gender, I give one a positive polarity, which makes the other negative. Yet in reality neither are an empowered choice of expression because neither has the divine power of a quality attainment.

It is a choice of gender that allows a choice of polarity, which causes procrastination, prevarication and dilemmas.

In modern society, power is believed to be relative to money and authority is believed to be relative to status. Both beliefs are false limiting beliefs based on other people’s assumptions. Assumptions like, when I have enough money, I will be happy and having authority allows me to tell other people what is right or wrong.

The emotional power of happiness is inherent and sourced from within. We can buy pleasure but we cannot buy happiness.

The mental authority of well-being is also inherently sourced from within. We can buy relief from suffering but we cannot buy health.

Power is the wealth of my emotional attainments that I can consciously express with spiritual awareness.

Authority is the wisdom of super-conscious intuition that I choose with spiritual awareness.

My power does not come from money, yet money is the effect of my connection to my emotional power.

My authority does not come from knowledge, yet knowledge is the effect of my connection to my mental authority.

When my emotional power is not approved, my mental authority is disallowed and I need other people as my source of power. In my unawakened, disempowered state of being, I rely on my money & my status to extract the power that I need from other people.

In our unawareness of our own freedom of choice, we give away our authority and abdicate our power to people who have more money or more status.

When I connect to the creative authority of my own intuitive super-conscious choice, I am inspired & empowered to choose to create my own ideal life.

The freedom to be able to create my own ideal reality is realised through my conscious connection to my true source of power & authority.

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