The Choice Is Which!

Which is a Choice!

The question is: Which do I choose?

Which do I choose? Is a question!

The answer to: What is my choice? Is a question!

The question is: Which question do I ask?

When seeking clarity of direction on my path, there are five open questions I can ask, which all start with the letter ‘w’.

When is a question of Time!

It clarifies my choice of when in time.

Where is a question of Space!

It clarifies my choice of place or where in space.

What is a question of Reality!

It clarifies what my real choice is.

Who is a question of Essence!

It clarifies the essence of who I am being or who someone else is being.

Why is a question of Matter!

It clarifies the matter of the essence of space-time-reality.

It also clarifies the reason & the meaning of the purpose of the space-time-reality, which is a matter of direction.

Why it matters is essential to choosing which, in the reality of space-time.

With the essence of space-time being a matter of material reality, which material reality is a question of clarity & direction.

A question of clarity allows my Self a direct answer of which direction is my way.

Which direction, in every present moment, is my choice.

Effortless choice requires clarity of direction.

When I know which direction of choice with clarity, I am inspired & empowered on my path in life.

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