The Chariot of Life

A Chariot is a successful partnership of two wheels.

A one-wheeled chariot is useless.

In a co-dependent partnership, both wheels depend upon each other for their purpose. They cannot work independently.

In a balanced relationship, one wheel would provide the power and the other wheel the direction (authority). This is called a Bicycle or a Motorbike.

When each wheel is independently powered and steered, the wheels will soon come off the chariot (or the bike, or the relationship).

Unless both wheels choose the same direction in which to travel, they will succeed only in going around and around in circles.

When one wheel chooses to move and the other doesn’t, they will still go round in a circle.

The chariot only ‘works’ when both wheels work together under the same power and the same authority. This is common to all Partnerships.

A traditional chariot is not self motivated. It requires a horse to provide the power (horse power) and a man to provide the direction (an authorised driver).

When Man takes the reins of his own authority, he requires ‘will power’ and often ‘horse power’ to obtain his objectives.

A traditional chariot is a successful working partnership between Man & Horse.

A Celestial Chariot is powered and authorised by my Soul.

When my Self is in partnership with my Soul, I just get on and enjoy the ride of my Life.

When I try to take control of the reins, I just go round in circles.

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