The Certainty Of Confidence

Confidence is the level of certainty.

Self-confidence is my level of certainty in the choices that I make myself. With the certainty that the choices I make are always beneficial, confidence is never an issue.

I lack confidence when I am uncertain what choices are best for me. The best choices for me are never detrimental to other people. I cannot confidently make choices for other people. I can never be certain of what is best for someone else.

Confidence certainly requires integrity. With integrity, I am in alignment with my Self and I confide in my Self. I tell my Self my truth, whereas my rational intellect & intelligence is often telling me someone else’s truth. I will never have confidence in other people’s beliefs about what is true.

I know my own truth intuitively because it feels right. When I intuitively see an opportunity for my Self, I take it with confidence at the level of certainty.

Intuition is always certain. If I do not intuitively know what I intuitively feel with certainty, it is not intuition. My rational intellect overrides my intuition when I allow it to. Rational intelligence is never certain, it is often right and sometimes wrong. The more intelligence I have, the greater my capacity for intellectual reasoning and the more right I believe I am; but I am never absolutely certain.

Absolute certainty comes from the realm of the absolute as intuitive guidance from my Soul. My Soul is absolutely confident in my competence, capacity & capability. My ego is programmed with past experiences of my incompetence, incapacity and incapability. It is only ever the intellectual reasoning of the ego that is relatively certain or uncertain.

In my disconnection from my source of inner guidance, my intellect is programmed with beliefs about what is right for other people. Copying what is right for other people is never certainly right for me, even when it appears certainly right for them. My source of certain confidence is never other people.

Certain Confidence is the ability to confide in the intuition of my True Self. Whatever I intuit as my true choice is certainly right for me. When I am intuitively inspired with an opportunity, I am certainly confident that it is the right choice for me. The confident Soul sees only opportunities, whereas the uncertain ego sees challenges or problems.

Confidence is like Happiness. It flows from within when there are no fears or limiting beliefs to offer any resistance, entropy or uncertainty.

To make choices with absolute confidence requires the perspective of my Absolute Self.

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