The Centre of the Universe

The Universe has no centre.

A centre is the mid-point between two extremes.

The extremity of Space is the boundary from which its centre can be measured.

But the Universe is Infinite, it has no boundaries.

Our limited view from Earth creates the boundaries of our known universe with our Sun at the centre.

Boundaries are a limitation of 3 dimensional thinking based on a 3 dimensional perspective of life.

With a 3 dimensional physical perspective of length, breadth & height, these become the limits, boundaries and extent of our ‘space’.

We appear to live on a 3 dimensional planet, in a 3 dimensional solar system, in a 3 dimensional galaxy, that exists in a multi-dimensional Universe.

In a pre-scientific Age, Earth was considered to be the centre of the Universe. The universe revolved around the Earth.

In our modern Scientific Age the Sun has become the centre of our Solar System and the centre of our Universe.

In a future Age, the Age of Aquarius, the central Sun of our Milky Way Galaxy will become the centre of our Universe.

The Centre of the Universe will continue to change and expand as our Consciousness changes and expands.

The Universe resides at the Centre of our Consciousness.


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