The Boundaries of Life Coaching

A paradox of Life Coaching is that it guides and supports clients to both have strong boundaries and to become boundless and free.

When I live under the authority, choice and standards of someone else, I live within their boundaries and must tolerate their rules, principles and laws. I abdicate my freedom of choice to live within the domain of their ethical and moral standards.

When my boundaries are not my own, they belong to other people.

Life Coaching guides and supports me to define and assert my own standards of behaviour that become the boundaries that are the behaviour that is acceptable from other people.

With strong personal standards and boundaries that I own and endorse, I operate within my own authority and choice.

My purpose in life is Expansive Growth.

Life Coaching guides and supports me to extend my boundaries to ensure that they do not imprison me and take away my freedom.

The pursuit of personal freedom requires extensive boundaries that are all encompassing of others in life.

As I restrict others on their path, so others will restrict myself.

The strongest and most extensive boundary that I can have is to be totally and unconditionally accepting of all other people.


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