The Bigot & The Idiot

Bigotry & Idiocy are the subjective and objective views of an arrogant perspective.

  • A Bigot (aka a Knob Head) is convicted by the conceit of their conscious false beliefs
  • An Idiot (aka a Dick Head) is convicted by the deceit of their sub-conscious fears

A Bigot is any person who is intolerant of any ideas other than their own, whereas an Idiot is any person who is tolerant of ideas that are not their own. Fundamentally, both bigots & idiots are convicted by beliefs that are not their own. A belief that is not my own is borrowed or adopted from someone else’s doctrine or dogma.

  • A Bigot adopts a religious, professional, legal or familiar doctrine as their own conviction
  • An Idiot borrows dogmatic rules and principles as their own opinion

Every doctrine or dogma is a system of beliefs with the objective of influencing a subjective perspective of reality.

  • A Familiar doctrine is convicted by family principles
  • A Religious doctrine is convicted by the morals of a church
  • A Professional doctrine is convicted by the ethics of an institution
  • A Legal doctrine is convicted by the laws of a society

A Bigot preaches to others, the doctrine of their zealous conviction and an Idiot follows the doctrine of someone else’s zealous conviction.

  • Bi-got derives from a perceived belief in Being God. It is a false representation of a super-conscious perspective.
  • Id-iot derives from the perspective of the Id being out there. ID Is Out There. It is a false perception of a sub-conscious perspective.

A Bigot expounds the arrogance of their own belief system and an Idiot humbly compounds the arrogance of someone else’s belief system.

I am always humbled by the extent of my arrogance and the idiocy of my bigotry.

When brave Idiots follow cowardly Bigots, conflict ensues, nobody wins and everyone loses.

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