The Belief About Authority

A common held belief in our society is that authority comes with status.

We believe that authority is either inherited or earned.

To earn authority, we are required to be well educated and we need to learn knowledge.

It is believed that the more knowledge we have, the more influence we have and the more authority we have to influence others.

This belief locks us into an educational system that is designed to benefit the ruling elite.

The authority of a ruling elite would be questioned by subjects who were taught to align with their authority and their beliefs.

The beliefs of the ruling elite are inherited and never taught in school.

In a ‘free’ society, we are free to choose whatever our ruling masters have declared is in the common good.

We are taught that we are free in our society because of a Justice System that allows our freedom and punishes and imprisons us when we do not do as we are instructed to by law.

My authority is my freedom to choose for my Self and to be the author of my own life.

It is my ability to be free of all external influences and flow instinctively & intuitively with my own inner guidance system.

My belief system either allows my authority or disallows my authority in favour of someone else’s authority.

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