The Battle of the Sexes

The Battle of the Sexes is caused by a conflict of emotional energy genders.

Opposing genders of male & female energy clash when personalities are in conflict.

In a co-dependent relationship, two people depend on each other for what they need emotionally.

When our partner fails to meet our emotional energy need, our personalities come into conflict.

When both partners need to be cared for by the other, they have to compete with each other for the emotional energy that they need.

Intense needs cause an intense competition that becomes a battle of the genders.

For peace to be declared:

Arrogant people need a humble partner
Greedy people need their partner to please them
Lustful people need their partner to be passionate & love them
Jealous people need a kind & caring partner
Slothful people need a partner who is dutiful & diligent
Proud people need a modest partner
Wrathful people need their partner to be meek & accomodating

When the yin & the yang of a marriage is balanced by each partner there is no need to compete, although the relationship remains potentially unstable.

All relationships are potentially volatile as the intensity of any unmet emotional needs gathers momentum.

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