The Battle for Power & Authority

The Battle for power & authority is the Battle of the Sexes.

I access my Power via my female energy of being Sensitive, Emotional & Connected.

I access my Authority via my male energy of being Detached, Rational & Exclusive.

When I unite my male and female energy, my power and my authority become exclusively connected.

In a normal co-dependent relationship, the male energy provides the authority to choose and the female energy provides the power to achieve what the male energy has chosen.

Becoming independent requires me to make my own choices and supply the power to achieve them myself.

In an inter-dependent relationship, I share my power with my partner whilst we pursue a similar journey sharing the same choices and authority.

In an inter-developmental relationship each partner connects to their own power by accessing their own authority, and under their own power and authority they share their journey.

To move beyond the Battle of the Sexes into an inter-developmental relationship requires there to be no longer any competition for power or authority.

The Battle for Power & Authority only ends once each partner is:

  • Exclusively-connected to their own Source of Power 
  • Emotionally-rational in their choice of Authority
  • Sensitively-detached in their Ability to relate to all other people.

Once I attain my own power, authority and ability, I have no need to compete with anyone, not even my Self.

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