The Attraction of Gravity

Gravity is the effect of the Law of Attraction in action.

The Law of Attraction states that ‘Like Energy is drawn unto itself’.

Like energy has the same vibration.

Like vibrations have a similar wavelength and frequency.

Without matter, there would be no gravity and no-one to observe the effect of gravity, there would only be the attraction of energy.

Gravity appears to be the attraction of matter to matter. This is an illusion of physical reality.

Gravity is the attraction of energy to energy or one energetic state of being to a similar energetic state of being.

When the energetic state of being is physical, as opposed to emotional, we call the attraction gravity.

If similar atoms of matter were attracted to similar atoms of matter, there would be no such matter as ‘Air’.

There could be no compounds and no molecules, just a big lump of nitrogen, a big lump of oxygen and a big lump of hydrogen and little lumps of inert gases. There would be no water vapour and no carbon dioxide.

It is the gender, polarity and intensity of the energetic state of an atom that allows it to attract or repel another atom.

It is the gender, polarity and intensity of the energy within the air in our atmosphere that determines the state of our weather.

The intensity of wind and rain and high and low pressure is an effect of the gravity experienced on Earth and is due to the attraction or repulsion of the energetic state of the atmosphere around our planet.

Our weather is the constantly changing emotional state of our planet seen from an energetic perspective.

The Attraction of Gravity makes gravity very attractive. Without it, there would be no planet, no physical life and no attractive experience.

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