The Attainment of Well-Being

Well-Being is a Spiritual Attainment.

Well-Being is a triune reality of attaining:

  • Physical Health
  • Mental Wisdom
  • Emotional Wealth

Well-Being is my true nature.

I will never find Well-Being by following medical advice.

No one else can make me better, only my Self.

Becoming Well is a process of becoming ‘Better’ called Personal growth.

Becoming Physically Healthy requires the personal development of my sense of Seeing the bigger picture of who I am and why I am here.

Becoming Mentally Wise requires the personal development of my sense of Hearing my messages and Knowing the choices to make about the direction of my Life Path.

Becoming Emotionally Wealthy requires the personal development of my sense of Feeling that connects me to the Inspiration that Empowers me on my Journey.

When I am connected to my sense of Feeling who I really am; Knowing the reason I am here; and Seeing the bigger picture of what I have come here to do, I am attaining my own individual, unique and exclusive Sense of Well-Being.

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