The Attainment of Happiness

Happiness is a Spiritual Attainment.

Happiness is a triune reality of attaining:

  • Physical Contentment
  • Mental Fulfilment
  • Emotional Joy

Happiness is my true nature.

I will never find Happiness outside of my Self. It is not something that another can give me or make me become.

Being Physically Content is my mission in Life. It is being without problems or tolerations.

Being mentally Fulfilled is my vision in Life. Fulfilling my vision is why I am here.

Being Emotionally Joyful is my purpose in Life. It is my true Identity – who I am.

I attain Spiritual Happiness by:

  • Being  Content;  Fulfilled; &  Joyful.
  • Living my Vision; my Mission; & my Purpose.
  • Balancing my Energy: Physically; Mentally; & Emotionally.

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