The Analogy Of The Door

To the unawakened Self, there are many ‘Doors’ in life that appear to be locked.

The Awakened Self intuitively knows that their Soul has the ‘key’ to open every ‘door’. From the perspective of the Soul, every door is unlocked and open but every Self is required to pass through each doorway on their journey through life.

Whether we see a door as open or closed, the problem appears to be how to get to the other side of a door that is blocking our path. When I see a door as a problem, I am stuck. When I see an open door as a problem, I am still stuck. When I see every door as a lesson, I overcome the problem that every door is presenting.

Every door is a lesson that is open to every awakened Self on the personal path of their Soul. Every door is a challenge that is never a problem. The challenge is to learn the lesson, not to solve the problem. When I see a challenge as a problem, I fail the test. When I pass the test that the lesson is presenting, I pass effortlessly through the door. In actuality, the door moves through me into my past; never to reappear in my future.

Every lesson allows me to learn a new perspective of life. When I see life from my new perspective, I have actually already effortlessly passed through this virtual door. Every door is a doorway into my new future.

The paradox of the door is that the way to pass through the door is printed on the back of the door. When confronted with a closed door, I am confined within my own room, like a secure box. The instructions for thinking outside of the box are always on the outside of the box. Every box-room has a door and the key to opening that door is to see life from a new perspective.

The perspective that I have created every box, every blockage and every door; allows me to pass through every doorway by passing every test that every lesson in life is challenging me to take. I am both the Teacher & the Pupil, both the Master & the Student. Listening to my Master Teacher is the key to passing every test and passing through every doorway. When I am aware of my intuitive connection to my Inner Tutor, I pass every challenge as I can see every opportunity that is present on the other side of the doorway.

I intuitively know that no door is ever a problem and I am only ever tested to see what is my opportunity of choice. Every doorway is signposted on my effortless pathway through life. The question is: Am I asking for directions and am I listening to my guidance?

On my effortless spiritual path through life, every doorway presents an opportunity for the expansive growth of my Soul.

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