The Alpha Female

The Alpha Female is an oxymoron.

Alpha Male energy is superior, arrogant & assertive.

When a female is asserting her superiority, arrogance & assertiveness, she is expressing the characteristics of her male energy.

She is acting the role of an alpha male.

Displaying the characteristics of an alpha male makes you an alpha male, irrespective of your masculine or feminine sex.

Male or female gender of energy is not masculine or feminine sex specific.

Alpha female describes the gender of the energy not the sex of the person.

Physical human beings have a masculine or feminine sex determined at their birth.

Emotional Energy has a male or female gender determined by its physical expression.

Female human beings are as able to express male emotional energy characteristics as well as male human beings can.

Alpha Male is a description of one’s character based on one’s beliefs and one’s personality based on one’s emotional needs.

Personal beliefs and emotional needs are not gender specific.

The only belief that is sex specific is whether I believe that I am a girl or a boy.

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