The Alchemist

The Alchemist has found the secret of turning base metal into gold.

With this secret the Alchemist knows that he has no need of gold.

Gold is a measure of a Man’s riches and also a metaphor for a Man’s Wealth.

It is possible to be materially rich but not wealthy.

It is impossible to be wealthy and to be poor.

The Alchemist knows that he need never be poor.

He also knows that he need never be rich.

He knows that he needs enough gold only for what he needs.

As the Alchemist is wealthy, he has everything he needs, and therefore has no need of the gold.

He knows that gold is no substitute for wealth and that a wealthy man has all the gold that he needs.

It is his knowing that allows his being wealthy, not the gold.

Knowing how to turn base metal into gold is worth more than the gold itself.

Knowing how to turn his fate into his destiny is beyond price, and beyond the prize of gold.

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