The Age of Awareness

The Age of Awareness allows the discovery of a 4th dimension of our own Consciousness.

A three dimensional Being has a physical, a mental & an emotional aspect.

A two dimensional physical consciousness is confined to a reality that is both physical & mental.

The duality of a physical mentality excludes the aspect of emotion.

A society without emotional intelligence is stuck in the duality of a two dimensional reality.

Emotional Intelligence is a personal awareness of my Beingness or my emotional states of being.

A Being without the awareness of their emotional state of beingness believes theirself to be a physical Being in a purely physical world having a physical experience called life.

Emotional Intelligence is the gateway to three dimensional Beingness & the 3rd dimension of Emotional Awareness.

Three dimensional consciousness is the gateway to an awareness of a 4 dimensional Spiritual Reality, a four dimensional Beingness & a fourth dimension of Consciousness.

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