The 3rd Dimension

The 3rd Dimension is Emotion.

A two dimensional world is mind experiencing physicality.

A one dimensional Mind creates a two dimensional Body in which to experience the 3rd dimension of Emotion.

When only the physical world appears to exist, the mind is not conscious of its Self.

In a two dimensional world, I am Self conscious.

My ego Self experiences a physical world.

In a three dimensional world, I am Self aware.

I am aware of my Emotional Self.

I am an Emotional Being, being aware of its Self emotionally.

I am aware of my emotional state of being and who I really am.

My emotional power becomes apparent as I become Self aware.

In a two dimensional reality, my ability is authorised.

In a three dimensional reality, my authorised ability is empowered with emotion.

In the 3rd Dimension, I am emotionally connected to the awareness of who I am Being.

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