The 3 Dimensions of Reality

“Three Dimensional Reality is 3 Dimensional”

1. Reality has a Frequency:

The frequency of reality flows backwards and forwards in a linear direction and is called Time. When tuned to a particular frequency in time, I flow forward in a linear direction that appears to travel from the past to the future. Past and future are an illusion of time travel.

2. Reality has a Wavelength.

The wavelength of reality flows from side to side, right to left in a tangential direction and is called Space. As I shift my perspective of Life by changing my belliefs, I alter my wavelength of space and move tangentially in space through time and perceive a change in my reality.

3. Reality has a Vibration:

The vibration of my reality rises and falls in an expansive and contractive way. The more intense the vibration the more resistance to life that I am encountering. The more balanced the vibration the more effortlessly my reality flows.

The 3 Dimensions of Reality, wavelength, frequency and vibration, are what makes reality exclusively unique to each and every individual.

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