The 3 Ages Of Conscious Perspective

In a Relative 3 Dimensional Experience of Reality:

There are 3 Ages of Modern Man:

  • The Age of Survival – Aries
  • The Age of Comfort & Security – Pisces
  • The Age of Awareness – Aquarius

There are 3 Levels of Consciousness:

  • A Mindless Sub-Conscious Instinctive Reaction
  • A Mindful Conscious Intellectual Thinking Response
  • A Mindfree Super-Conscious Intuitive Flow

There are 3 Perspectives of How Life Happens:

  • Life Happens To Me
  • Life Happens By Me
  • Life Happens Through Me

In the 1st Age, I am sub-consciously driven to instinctively survive life happening to me.

In the 2nd Age, I act with intellectual reasoning to consciously obtain comfort & security by life happening by me.

In the 3rd Age, I am intuitively attaining the super-conscious awareness of life beneficially happening through me.

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