The 1st Commandment of Jesus

The 1st Commandment of Jesus is:

“Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, all thy soul, all thy mind, and all thy strength”.

The Lord my God is my Soul, which is my Highest Self, my Real Self, my Lord & my God.

My God is my Creator and my Lord is my Authority.

My Soul created my Self to live Life with Authority.

To love the Lord thy God, I am to be the Lord my God – my Soul as myself and my Self as my Soul.

The Lord my God is within me, not external or separate from me.

It is within me to be the Lord my God.

Beingness is the path to Loving & Being my Soul.

The purest state of being is Love, which is being my Soul.

Being my Soul with all my heart is connecting to the Power of Love that is my Soul.

Being my Soul with all my mind is connecting to the Authority of Light that is my Soul.

Being my Soul with all my soul is connecting to the Ability of Life that is my Soul.

Being my Soul with all my strengths is uniting my power, authority & ability; with love, light & life; mentally, physically & emotionally; to become as my Spiritual Soul is; I am; and Jesus is, was and ever will be.


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