Tension & Release

Tension and Release are in opposition. They are a duality.

All tension needs release. We need release when we are not free.

With release, tension becomes Relief.

Our lack of freedom creates tension that is without relief and needs release.

When we release the tension, we become free and relieved with a new lease of life.

Tension is created by entropy, negativity and resistance, when we are pushing against the natural flow of our life.

Sexual tension is created when the gender of our energy is divided, that is, our male and female energy is not united.

We require a partner of our opposite gender to temporarily re-unite our male & female energy and release our negative sexual tension.

When we learn to consciously unite our own male and female energy, we no longer experience any sexual tension that requires to be released.

When we bring our own energy into harmony, our own inner tension is released and we are free to unite and harmonise with our partner in pure ecstasy, joy & oneness.

Our ‘intention’ is not to be ‘in tension’.

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