Tensed & Relaxed

Tensed and relaxed are a duality.

Tension is the state of being without relaxation.

Relaxation is the absence of tension.

Whether I am tensed or relaxed is determined by the polarity of my energy that is created by the beliefs that I perceive to be true about what is occurring in my life.

When I am too tense, I choose to be relaxed and when I am too relaxed, I wish I had a little tension in my life.

What I really choose is tensed-relaxation and relaxed-tension.

Martial Arts Masters have mastered the art of tensed relaxation and relaxed tension.

They both require the state of being present in the moment and in the reality of ‘now’.

The balance between tension and relaxation is the state of being conscious of the presence of my rational choice together with the awareness of my emotional power.

When the Power of my Attention is balanced with the Authority of my Intention, it allows my focused Ability on my Action.

When my power, authority, and ability is congruent with my intention, attention, and action; Life flows effortlessly.

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