
Temper is my emotional energy control.

When I lose my temper, I lose control of my emotional energy.

When I have enough emotional energy, I have the power to be in control.

When my power is flowing, I temper my actions.

When my power ceases to flow, I lose the power to control my actions.

I can suppress my emotion to control my temper or I can temper my emotion to empower my action.

When I lose control, I lose my temper.

Emotional energy has a range of intensity from fully depressed to intensely ecstatic.

When fully depressed, I have insufficient power to lose my temper.

Instead of expressing anger, I appear to lose my veuve, my mojo or my will to live.

Reacting angrily is an expression of my loss of the ability to temper my actions.

Anger is my emotional reaction to my loss of emotional power.

In absolute reality, I never lose my power, I become relatively disconnected from my source of emotional power.

When I temper my mood, I take control of the negative perspective that is causing my negative emotional  state of being.

I can choose to control my temper or I can choose to temper my emotional power effectively and channel it powerfully.

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