Taking Back Our Power

When Taking Back our Power, it is important to remember that it is never taken away. We disconnect from our power as a way of exploring, discovering and experiencing what our power is, and the true source of that power. We lose our power when we disconnect from our power.

The source of my power is my emotional wellbeing. The source of my wellbeing is within my Self. It is within my Self that I discover and experience my wellbeing. I cannot experience someone else’s wellbeing only share it with my own.

When I am being emotionally well, I am connected to my power source. My connection to my power source is relative to the emotional state of being that I am expressing. The emotional state of being that I am experiencing is relative to the mental thoughts that I am expressing.

Experiencing being emotionally well requires a positive mental attitude as my perspective. When the attitude of my perspective is positively empowered, I am inspired with the authority of my choice.

  • Authority is a mental choice
  • Power is an emotional experience

My emotional experience is always aligned with my mental authority:

  • Negative thinking causes negative, painful, traumatic emotional feelings
  • Pure inspired sovereign thoughts allow positive emotional power to freely flow

Pure inspired thoughts are in alignment with my intuitive higher mental guidance. They allow my intuitive feelings of support to freely flow through me as the powerful emotion of wellbeing. In the presence of wellbeing, I am empowered to manifest my choices effortlessly.

“Taking back my power requires that I first take back my authority“

My power becomes disconnected when I abdicate my sovereign choice of authority.

  • Aligning my mental choice with an external authority disconnects my emotional power
  • Aligning my mental choice with my internal intuitive authority connects my Self to its own source of emotional power

Unless my mental choice has an intuitive authority, and I intuitively know it to be the right choice for my Self, it is not inspired and it is therefore disempowered.

My inspired authority resonates with the pure core beliefs of my personal vision and is in alignment with my own true values. This means that I own my own core beliefs because they are truly valuable to my personal experience of life.

I take back my power by personally connecting with my own true authority. I am truly empowered when my sub-conscious programmed beliefs all serve to express the real truth of my own existence and purpose for my life. Following other people’s perspectives, truths, beliefs, facts, doctrines, ethos, morals and principles is seldom in alignment with my own highest authority.

I align with my own authority when I challenge and change a fear or limiting belief, in my sub-conscious mental programming, which I do not truly own. When I intuitively know, feel & see my truly authorised path in life, I am instantly inspired and empowered to follow it.

“I take back my emotional power with my intuitive connection to my source of mental authority”

My ego sense of Self is motivated with the power of my mental will. In my disconnection from my true source of emotional power, the ego defaults to the motivation of its mental will power. In a dual reality world, the ego is always authorised to make choices, whether they are in alignment with one’s truth or not. Many choices of the ego are influenced by fears and limiting beliefs, which render the Self to be powerless.

In the absence of emotional power, we default to the kinetic physical strength of mental will power. It takes enormous courage & bravery to fulfil the passion & desire of a misaligned egotistical perspective.

When the ego sense of Self aligns with the Soul’s Entity in its entirety, it reconnects with its true mental authority and takes back its true emotional power.

We take back our power by taking back the authority to choose our own sovereign choices for our Self.

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