Taking Advantage

Taking Advantage is the belief that ‘giving & receiving’ can be out of balance.

When I take or receive more than I give, I create an advantage for my Self.

People who need to be superior or better than others always seek to take any advantage that they can.

Taking an advantage can be seen as being greedy or arrogant.

This belief may stop me taking advantage of my allowance.

Not taking advantage of my allowance disallows my providence.

The Universe through the Law of Attraction is forever self-balancing.

Whatever I give will be received.

Whatever I do unto others will be returned to my Self.

I just have to take advantage of every opportunity to give as well as to receive.

Taking advantage is always to my advantage as long as it is never to the disadvantage of another.

When I disadvantage another, I am being selfish.

When I allow another to disadvantage myself, I am being unselfish.

When I take advantage of every opportunity in my life, I am being truly selfish.

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