Sympathy & Apathy

Sympathy, being sympathetic or being in sympathy with means:

“Resonating with the same female negative energy as another”.

Apathy, being apethetic or being without sympathy means:

“Resonating with the opposing male negative energy to another”.

When we are being attached, inclusive and irrational, we are being in sympathy with another.

When we are being insensitive, disconnected and unemotional, we are being apathetic to another.

The state of being apathetic is seen as being uncompassionate when it is actually being unsympathetic.

The state of being in sympathy is often mistaken for compassion and wanting to alleviate the suffering of another.

Wanting to alleviate the suffering of another is the consequence of resonating with the victimhood of another.

This never alleviates suffering but increases the suffering for both people who are resonating in sympathy for each others victimhood.

Compassion is sharing our passion with another. Our passion is always a positive contribution, not a sharing of our negative energy.

We have negative sympathy for another but positive empathy with another when we are being compassionate.

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