Surviving, Striving, Thriving

Surviving, Striving, & Thriving are three distinct mental perspectives.

How I see life determines how I experience life and how I experience life determines how I see life. This is a closed loop, until I realise that I can change my perspective by changing my beliefs about how I see things happening in my life.

When I see life as an assault course that I need to survive, then this becomes my experience. I experience any manner of misfortune happening to me, which I need to survive.

When I believe that I need to work hard in life to earn any reward, then nothing is earned unless I work hard to achieve it. Instead of being the victim of whatever life throws at me, I strive to make my fortune, by me working hard to earn its favour. I believe that the harder I strive, the more favourable my life will become.

My faith in an abundant life, thrives when I allow it to. Allowing my life to thrive, connects me directly with my provision of abundance. I thrive on the abundance of life that is flowing through me. The more that I thrive, the more abundant my life becomes. A thriving perspective allows the abundance of providence to be provided through me. When I see my life is happening through me, instead of to me or by me, I allow providence to provide in abundance.

A striving perspective believes that life happens by me. I strive to make life happen by me; in the belief that the harder I work, the more merit I will earn & achieve. I provide my own reward, as I make my own luck and determine my own misfortune, striving to work harder & harder to earn more and more of what I want.

A surviving perspective believes that I am the victim of whatever happens to me in life. I need to survive the outcome of my negative perspective of life happening to me. With a survival mentality, I do not see either challenges or opportunities, only problems happening to me that I need to survive.

With a striving perspective, I see life as a challenge to be met. I strive with all my might, and will power, to overcome every challenge by overcoming every failure. With the perspective that I can fail, I am often overcome by the challenge.

With an abundance mentality, thriving becomes my experience and every experience in life is an opportunity to thrive.

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