
Surrender is to concede defeat.

To concede defeat, I am required to admit to what I am fighting and admit that the fight is lost. When I concede, I admit the truth of my own experience.

Spiritual surrender is the realisation that in truth, I am only ever fighting my own resistance to life. When I realise that I am fighting my Self, I can only ever surrender to my Self when I admit defeat.

The question is: Which Self is defeated and which Self do I surrender to?

All external conflict is a reflection of our inner conflict and an absence of inner peace. Inner peace is attained when my Self is in alignment with my Self.

The question is: Which Self is out of alignment when I am conflicted by my own resistance?

Which Self is the cause of the conflict and which Self experiences the effect of the conflict?

The only thing that can ever be in conflict with my Self is my own choice of perspective. How I see my life is a choice and the conflict that I see in life is the result of my choice of perspective.

With Spiritual Surrender it is my perspective that I surrender, never my highest choice of authority.

I can make a conscious choice based on my sub-conscious beliefs & programmes or I can make a choice with my super-conscious intuition.

Super-conscious intuition is my highest choice of authority and is how my Soul communicates with its Self.

Intellectual reasoning based on sub-conscious programming is how my ego decides for itself.

Whereas the ego Self is free to choose for itself, it may or may not be in alignment with my Soul’s choice for its Self. When I concede the authority of choice to my sub-conscious Id, my ego is out of alignment with my Soul. The sub-conscious mind of the Id overrides & defeats the choice of the intuitive super-conscious mind of the Soul.

It is the ego sense of physical self that is fighting for supremacy over the spiritual Soul. When I surrender my authority to the Id, I disconnect from my source of true emotional power. I sub-consciously surrender my power when I submit to the default beliefs & programmes of my Id.

When I follow the intuitive direction of my Soul, I surrender to the highest choice of my mental authority and connect with my innate sense of emotional power. In my surrender to my Soul, there is no defeat; I win my authority, which allows my power. When I surrender to my true power source, I am empowered and when I surrender to my true authority, I am inspired.

My Soul is never in conflict with its Self and the Self is never defeated by the Soul. It is the conscious ego self that is being defeated by the default beliefs & limiting programmes of the sub-conscious id.

Defeat is a perspective of a reality based on a false drama called winning & losing, of which I am sub-consciously convicted. The higher choices of the Soul are absolute and beyond the duality of winning & losing.

Surrendering to the authority of the Soul’s choice is ever a win-win scenario. In connection and alignment with my Soul, I win my authority and I win my power.

Winning through life, is the Soul’s purpose. Surrendering to this perspective removes the possibility of defeat.

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