
Surprise is to accept the unexpected.

It is a feeling of amazement & wonder.

I am continually surprised and in awe of my Soul’s path for my Self.

A surprise is like a miracle, when they happen as a matter of course I am no longer surprised by the miracle of life.

Surprises are caused by the expectation of something more usual occurring.

Surprise means to take on.

When I take on the path of my destiny, life becomes one surprise after another.

I surprise my Soul and my Soul surprises my Self.

I am never surprised by my fate because I expect it.

When I move out of expectation there is no disappointment and I allow surprises to flow freely into my life.

Planning my expectations disallows surprises.

Without surprises there is no amazement or wonder.

I wonder what will amaze & surprise me next on my journey through life.

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