
The Sun’s Light is called electro-magnetic energy.

Electro-magnetic energy is universal.

Sunlight is the energy of our universe, physically experienced.

It can be experienced in different ways, or rays.

At a constant gravity, electricity is proportional to magnetism.

The frequency of an electric force is relative to the wavelength of a magnetic magnitude.

The frequency of energy is experienced as inversely proportional to its wavelength.

This means that the shorter the wavelength, the faster the frequency; therefore the longer the wavelength, the slower the frequency.

Radio waves, from the sun’s light, have the longest wavelength and the slowest frequency.

As the wavelength of sunlight shortens the frequency increases and it is experienced as microwaves, infra-red rays, visible light, ultra-violet light, x-rays and then gamma rays.

Gamma rays are the shortest wavelength of sunlight with the highest frequencies that have so far been scientifically discovered and measured.

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