Submit Or Surrender

When life happens to me, I have no distinction between submission & surrender. I submit and surrender to whatever I become a victim of.

When life happens by me, I submit, surrender or give up, when whatever I am trying to do fails.

I submit to another’s superior force and I surrender to another’s superior authority.

With spiritual direction, I always have a choice of authority. I have a choice of guidance & a choice of support. I can choose the empowered inspiration of my Soul or the will power of my ego Self.

With will power, I submit to my own sub-conscious programming. My sub-conscious Id believes itself to be the leader of my mission. Under my own sub-conscious direction, I will experience my fate. This can be the fate of my fortune or the fate of my doom.

My ego consciously questions whatever my fate appears to be submitting. I do not always submit willingly to the discipline, doctrine or conscience of my sub-conscious mind. My sub-conscious mind directs me with the fears and limiting beliefs with which, I have been indoctrinated from birth. It supports me by driving me to meet my emotional needs, in the only way that it has learned how.

As most of my sub-conscious programming was formulated before the age of four years, I have the sub-conscious rationale of a three year old. Hence my need to consciously question the leadership quality of my sub-conscious mind.

Whereas my ego submits to the whims of my sub-conscious Id, I can consciously choose to surrender to the wisdom of my super-conscious Soul. I surrender whenever I render my focus above my conscious level of awareness.

I communicate with my sub-conscious mind on the wavelength of a Theta frequency of conscious thinking.

I communicate with my super-conscious mind on the wavelength of an Alpha frequency of pure thought.

My super-conscious Soul is always available to guide me, whereas my sub-conscious Id is always there to lead me on a path of righteous temptation.

I surrender to the Destiny of my Soul.

I submit to the fate of my Id.

When I surrender, I render my Self under the guidance & support of my Soul. I connect to my wealth of abundance and I am fulfilled with wisdom. I surrender to the innate happiness & wellbeing of my expansive Soul.

When I surrender to the effortless flow of opportunities in life, I allow my beneficial providence to flow through me, unrestricted and without submission.

Submission is a false mission in life.

Surrender renders me above reproach.

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